Reach high-responding households with Save Direct Mail.

Looking to engage deal-seeking households nationwide with exclusive direct mail offers? RRD’s Save Direct Mail helps consumers plan where to shop, what to purchase, and how to find savings.

Features & benefits

Influence buying decisions in-home

The Wrap: high-profile results, at every step

Localize your ad inserts

Wrap Positions

Unique value

Every week, RRD's Save Direct Mail delivers valuable offers and grocery circulars.

Predictive intelligence
Discover ideal consumers and their neighborhoods with powerful Consumer Graph intelligence

Reach at scale
From local to national coverage, Save Direct Mail provides access to 105MM+ households

Multichannel campaigns
RRD connects consumers with the same message in-home and out-of-home by powerfully combining online and direct mail marketing

Cause marketing
Support the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children® through our featured Have You Seen Me? ® program on the Wrap

Be where consumers look every week.

Learn why people rely on Save Direct Mail to plan their shopping, purchasing, and savings.

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